
4 Rüden schwarz, 1 Rüde braun, 9 Hündinnen schwarz, 1 Hündin braun

Plainfire's Call me by your Name


Plainfire's You Beat the Heat

Plainfire's Call me by your Name Moonstruck Save Tonight Caci's we are the Heroes Hempth's Vally-Vic
Caci's Sorry I Need to Win
Moonstruck Save the last Dance Fab Four's Feel the Wind
Starworkers Little Mermaid
Plainfire's U're my Chocolate Delight Miss Mallory's Never Give up Engsboda Toulouse Lautrec
Miss Mallory's Love at First Sight
Double Shine z'Mokré Hory Tarpilens Sogno di Cioccolata
Whizzbang's Exotic Fire
Plainfire's You Beat the Heat Plainfire's Urban Cowboy Miss Mallory's Never Give Up Engsboda Toulouse Lautrec
Miss Mallory's Love at First Sight
Double Shine z'Mokré Hory Tarpilens Sogno di Cioccolata
Whizzbang's Exotic Fire
Plainfire's Katie Hates Cheese Black Mica's Not Your Business  SE U(U)CH Black Mica's That's Enough
Black Mica's It Will Fit
Plainfire's You Pay I Play CH Comics New Blue Chip
CH Plainfire's Pick up a Lot